This is a
seven-minute workout that you followed this for seven days to lose between one
to two inches from your waist and as a qualified weight loss expert and fitness
trainer with over 25 years’ experience I know what works so I've put together
this program you follow it exactly for seven days and I've had such an
incredible response on Facebook social media that I decided to create it as a
video for you in real time now if you haven't done a warm-up hit the pause
button now March on the spot for one minute if not we will get straight into
this seven minute workout so the first move we've got coming up you've gotten
seconds before it starts just so you can see the move we are just doing the
straight leg kicks and taking the opposite hand towards the foot you're going
to be doing this for a duration of 60 seconds so the key thing with this is
keep your back nice and straight and this exercise routine that I've designed
for you is going to be doing two things we're going to look at doing calorie
burning so we are going to be reducing any excess of body fat which means we're
going to be helping to reduce any belly fat then also all these exercises that
I've specifically created for you are going to be toning and strengthening and
sculpting through your waist and your tummy muscles alright that's good so
you're doing another 30 seconds so the aim is you are going to do this work out
seven days in a row so for the first day today you can have my voice on so you
can hear the narration and the coaching then when you do day two day three day
four etc. you can mute me and have on your favorite music but please promise me
you do this for seven days because I know you are going to love the results and
let's go last five seconds four three two and one alright.
move number two you've got a ten-second preview before we start I'm gonna hold
the arms up in front and you're just going to take one foot from one side to
the other it's called a pendulum swing if you don't like doing impact and
jumping you can just step that from one side to the other so this one here we
are gain we are helping to increase your calorie burn we're toning through your
waist we're working through those abdominals it's good and we're just doing it
non-stop again we are that duration of 60 seconds but you're already 20 seconds
down you just got 40 seconds to go and keep thinking about the benefits
remember in life if you put in 100% you get in results of 100% back so that's
where I really want you to focus this week I'm doing this for seven days
non-stop and also aim to do it first thing in the morning that way you have
then preset your metabolism your calorie burn for the rest of the day all right
that's good and we've just got lost 10 seconds coming up now of this move so
let's just keep going it's feeling challenging but just think you're increasing
your heart health your fitness your well-being so we are doing more than dropping
the inches all right.
number three that we're going to be doing this one we're going to reach up tall
and walk out if you find it too hard to come all the way down onto the ground
what I suggest you do this move standing close to a sofa and you can then just
walk your hands out onto the sofa and then come back up if you find it too hard
to come all the way down onto the ground so we're walking out so this one again
we are still increasing your calorie burn and we're performing an exercise
which is also then going to help to really strength and develop those tummy
muscles that's good reach up and then walking that out that's good keeping that
going reaching up so you are nearly halfway through on this one that's good and
reaching that back up and remember the more you exercise and if you do this for
the duration of seven days everyday you do it you're increasing in your health
but you are also increasing your active a muscle tissue which means you are
going to reset your metabolism it is going to naturally speed up your metabolic
rate so you will find that you are burning more calories every day as a result
of doing these workouts.
next move move four we're going to do a skater's lunch so we are just taking it
from one side to the other now with this one it's a really good calorie burning
and if you really exaggerate bringing that arm over do that for 60 seconds
that's going to help shape and sculpt into the that's good and so we're well
over half ways well over halfway through today's workout so let's just keep
going keep focused and remember right now you are investing in you and your
health and I know as a trainer with over 25 years experience I know how to
transform our bodies and our minds these are results from my workouts of every
single age every background people that have never even worked out before or
I've worked out you've done diets and their weight has yo-yoed backwards and
forwards mine is about keeping the results it's about a lifestyle it's about
seeing your body change that's good.
on move number five now this one you're going to be in a split stance and it's
as if you're about to sprint and we're going to do 30 seconds on one leg then
we will change to the other leg okay so let's drive that up that's good so with
this one here the benefit here you are working through your upper body you're
working through your middle body we're toning through your abdominals we're
working on your core stability we're also timing through the legs let's just
keep that going that's good and you want to keep pushing yourself when it feels
challenging that's when we really get the results we've got 10 more seconds
left on right leg then we're going to change to the other side let's go for
take it three two and one let's now change take that to the opposite leg so
you're driving that leg up as if you're about to run keep going that's good
then we just got two moves after this so we're nearly done today keep thinking
of those benefits a look at these real results this is as a result of simply
working out and eating a healthy diet alright.
number six stand with your feet wider than shoulder it's distance part we're
going to reach the hands up and then down to the side so this one here again we
are just increasing with calorie burn but also what we're doing now we're
shaping into the waist this is where we're going to lose those inches take it
from one side to the other make sure you don't mean forwards neither lean
backwards you're literally just going down to one side and really take that arm
out as far down try and get it but on to the line of the knee reach it across
that's good coming down so these side bones are really good for working your
internal and external oblique’s which means these crisscross muscles across
your waist have to draw in those tummy muscles that's good and reaching it over
so we are less than halfway through on this one it's good and you've just got
now twenty seconds to go let's keep that going each time try and come down a
little bit further and then we've got the last move now the last move we're
going to come down onto the ground to perform the abdominal crunch if you don't
like doing exercises on the floor for your tummy you can stand up and just do kneel
for 60 seconds alternating knee lifts all right.
So let's now come down onto the ground this is a move seven fingertips to the side the head we're going to crises cross so you take the elbow over towards the opposite knee we're doing this for a duration of a sixty Seconds the reason why I've chosen you this abdominal exercise to do is this one engages all three major muscles so we are working through what's known as the transverse abdomens with your deepest abdominal muscle it's also working through your internal and external oblique’s that's what shapes the waist and then it's working on the top muscle the rectus abdomen one that is attached from underneath your ribs all the way down to the pubic bone alright you are doing really well you have just got now last 30 seconds for me so keep going that's good it's all about pushing yourself to the max remember we are just doing seven minutes and you are just doing seven days for me and non-stop we are going to get amazing results and because we're just doing seven minutes we're not going to worry about a rest day we're just going to go for it seven days to see one to two inches off your waist and let's just go for it you got lost five seconds from now four take it three two and one and that is your seven-minute workout complete. Please click this links to watch full workout video